ACTION ITEM: Early Voting Statistics

Only six more days to vote early in City electionTell everyone you know.  So few people vote that every vote really makes a difference. 

This from Terry Storch – My younger friends in Albuquerque! Crappy early voting numbers y’all: of the 12,677 early votes cast as of end of day Thursday, only 37 were cast by voters aged 18-20. Just 37! Only 272 votes have been cast by voters aged 21 to 29. And just 597 from voters between at the ages of 30 and 39 and 738 from the 40 to 49 group. (from city clerk via Joe Monahan’s blog). YES, part of this is likely due to no Saturday early voting and it is tougher on folks going to work every day, but still….

OUR EVENT: NW Abq PAG Group Meeting Schedule

In order to make attendance easier to plan, we are scheduling PAG meetings on the  2nd Saturday of each month beginning October 14 – 3:00-5:00 – Friends’ Meeting House on 5th St.

Women’s Reproductive Health and Immigration Pods planning to present mini-seminars at Oct and Nov meetings to help us all become more informed.  January will see a mini-seminar from the Environmental Pod.

We are planning a holiday pot-luck for the Dec. 9th meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Yet Another Effort to Repeal and Replace Obamacare

The ACA is under assault again this week. — from Marie Lobo

BREAKING NEWS:  Susan Collins (R-Me) has issued a written statement saying that she can not support the most recent health “care” bill.  This almost certainly will kill the bill when combined with McCain’s, Ryan’s, and hopefully Murkowski’s ‘No’ votes.   

ACTION ITEM: Attack Ads Aimed at Keller

This from Jeff McConaughy

This is a mass mailing from the chair of ABQ Forward Together, the pro-Keller PAC that’s working for his election as mayor. I hope we can all call these two goons and tell them off (with appropriate civility.) See bullet 1 under “What now?” It’s particularly troubling that some oil & gas dude from Hobbs feels fine with contributing to a smear campaign against a candidate in Albuquerque. These two perfectly embody one of the things wrong with our current political system. Rich people can afford to buy a “megaphone” for their opinions and use their wealth to smear people they disagree with.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Dear Friend,

As promised, we said we would send you the names and contact information of the donors behind “Make ABQ Safe” – the PAC attacking Tim Keller. The donors, for now, are two. They both represent big industry and neither are from Albuquerque.

Jeffrey Garrett, from Phoenix, is the asset manager for Santolina, the controversial sprawl development on Albuquerque’s Westside.

Mark Veteto, from Hobbs, represents oil and gas interests – and is a wealthy Republican donor.

This story has dominated today’s news – see the ABQ Journal article, “Santolina developer helped fund Keller attack ads” or the article by NM In Depth, “UPDATED: Santolina developer behind sex offender ads against Tim Keller,” and from NM Political Report, “Land developer and Hobbs oil executive behind ads against Keller.”

Even the Albuquerque Journal is calling this PAC discredited because the legislation that Tim supported in 2011 and again in 2013, was good public policy and is the reason why it is law today. In fact, this legislation passed with bipartisan, near unanimous support and was signed by the Governor. That’s right, in 2013, Tim fought for and passed the nation’s strongest sex offender laws to date. And as Auditor, Tim has fought for victims and for tackling the state’s rape kit backlog. It’s no surprise then, that last night the Albuquerque Police Officers Union formally endorsed Tim Keller for Mayor.

Here’s what we know: Big developers and right-wing oil and gas interests don’t want Tim Keller as Mayor. Who do they want? Jeff Garrett with Santolina said they prefer Brian Colón, Wayne Johnson or Dan Lewis. In their mind, they see no difference between the three, which is pretty telling.

What now?

1) Call Jeff Garrett at Garrett Development Corporation, 480-970-4005 (this is his business contact number, leave message); and then call Mark Veteto at Me-Tex Oil & Gas, 575-397-7750 and tell them they ought to be ashamed of themselves for what they’re doing to Tim and our community. Their ads attacking Tim are harmful to children and sexual assault survivors. Further, their distortion of Tim’s record has no place in our city and you are going to do everything you can to defeat their candidates.

2) Contribute to our PAC. As you know, we’re the independent group that can accept contributions to push back where Tim can’t. Your contributions help us get Tim’s message shared widely. In case you’ve missed it, see our TV ad here).

3) Ask your family and friends to vote for Tim Keller. The choice is clear. Tim Keller is the only candidate not beholden to special interests who can bring the change Albuquerque needs.


Neri Holguin
Chair, ABQ Forward Together

Special Reminder

Matthew Meadow Garage Sale – NW ABQ PAG members (and others hopefully) donating proceeds to Duranes Elementary School.  Sept 22nd. 8-4; Sept 23rd 8-noon.  Donated items (priced) and volunteers appreciated.  Contact Caro or Jeff.  Or, just come by and visit while you shop.

Highlights from NW ABQ PAG Mtg. 9/9/17

(Thanks for taking notes, Lupe.)
Facilitators – Jeff, Karl
Recent Events
Mayoral Update – Early voting begins 9/13/17. Monday thru Friday, 9-6. Nearest voting location: 604 Menaul NE (City Rcds Ctr). Information on state polls shows Keller 22%, 33% undecided and Colon 19%. KOB polls show sick lv poll 46% in favor, 32% against and 22% undecided. To volunteer door-to-door for Keller, check Keller website to obtain information. Election day is October 3rd.
Info on Bond issues are on our Facebook page and WordPress sites.
There was a Precinct 185 mtg with Terry Storch. They are working on Resolutions, on finding lapsed voters, and focusing on “get out the vote.” 19 people present.
Recently (in mid-August), there was an event with Reverend William Barber. He spoke of immobilizing 1,000 people in every city. They were discussing having a sit- in at a park in Spring. He was involved in original Poor People’s Campaign and is reactivating it to bring attention to this disenfranchised group. His website info was sent to Caro for posting (see following FB posts below this one).
Upcoming Events
UpFront Directory- Convergence Grp is trying to get a directory of all of the grps in ALB, giving descriptions of each grp and their activities, then coordinating events. Caro asked for volunteers to help with this task, but she will get the specifics (time requirements, etc) and will present at next mtg.
Lapse Voters Topic_ Caro has much poster boards saying early voting non-partisan if anyone is interested in putting it in their neighborhoods, just call her (342-2148 or 379-7066-cell).
Day of Action – There will be a Matthew Meadow Garage Sale on Sept 22-23. Proceeds will go to Duranes Elementary School Teachers. If anyone has donations to give please take them to Caro by Sept 18th with prices on them. Homemade baked goods are also welcome. Also, could use more volunteers to help (even short periods of time), especially on that Friday. One can go onto Angie’s list to get garage sale pricing on items. [9/17 update: flyers have been distributed throughout Matthew Meadow and we’ve gotten some positive responses already.]
Writing Workshop – Grp discussion re Letters to Editor Workshop with Marie Lobo. Volunteers needed to coordinate the logistics (venue, advertising the event, etc). Caro reports much interest in this workshop from other groups involved in Convergence. After discussion, it was decided to postpone until early next year.
Mini-Seminars – Grp discussion re our Pods presenting mini-seminars at grp meetings to inform us all on specific issues (i.e., abortion rights, paths to citizenship, etc.). Diana and Nelly to discuss with their respective pods and get back to us regarding scheduling at one of our next meetings.
NW ABQ PAG mtgs.- Discussed idea of having mtgs on a consistent week of every month so folks can plan. Current consensus is to hold meetings on the second Saturday of each month. Diana will look at what days the Friend’s House is available and let everyone know. Please note that the December meeting (tentatively 12/9) will be a holiday potluck.
Volunteers needed to facilitate next grp meeting!

Vote for Healthy Kids and Families

(From Marie Lobo)

No one should have to choose between their pay check and taking leave to recover from an illness or care for a sick child, but in New Mexico, that’s the reality for half of all workers. New Mexico has the highest rate of workers who cannot earn paid sick leave in the nation. We can change that for workers in the state’s biggest city by voting FOR the proposed ordinance for earned sick days in the October 3 city election.

Several cities (from Seattle to Trenton) and even a few states (from California to Connecticut) have enacted paid sick leave ordinances to address this public health problem. It’s time to join them in ensuring that working families can earn paid sick leave.

VOTE EARLY! Early voting in Albuquerque begins on Wednesday, September 13!
You are encouraged to vote early, but if you prefer to vote on Election Day, we’ll see you at the polls on October 3!

Thank you for voting for healthy kids and families by voting FOR the proposed ordinance for earned sick days!

NM Voices For Children