Saturday Nov. 11 – 2:00-4:00  (Note:  new time – meeting starts and ends one hour earlier during the winter months)

The Immigration Pod will present a mini-seminar at this meeting.

If you’ve not been to one of our meetings, you’re missing a really satisfying opportunity to engage with like-minded folks and recharge your activist batteries.  It’s a good antidote to PTSD (Post-Trump Stress Disorder)  Join us!

Voter Turnout

(From Terry Storch, Precinct 185)

This will go out in the November precinct newsletter but I had to tell all of you who have worked so hard to help out in the precinct. A friend looked up some numbers for precinct 185, and 55% of registered Dems in our precinct voted on October 3! (373 out of 674 registered Dems voted). Also, we increased our Dem turnout from 2013, which was higher than the city average at 36%, by a little over 50% (245 Dems voted in 2013 and 128 more Dems voted in 2017). So we beat the what I was calling the Trump bump, a very subjective number I admit. So now we need to have those great numbers come in for the run-off. And I will see what might be done to convince more of our 185 Dems to vote. I will get numbers for independents, decline to states, and greens later. Thanks all. Terry