Destroying the State Department

Here’s a story that isn’t getting nearly the attention it deserves. With elections, North Korea, hurricanes, and bombastic tweets understandably dominating the nation’s attention, there are forces at work that are destabilizing some of our core institutions with not nearly enough notice. And one of the most dire threats is happening at the State Department.

In a dangerous and complicated world, we need the best minds and most committed public servants working for peace, not just preparing for war. Diplomacy is a difficult art, and experience matters. But under President Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the State Department is in a rate of collapse unlike any moment I can think of in our history. It’s not just a matter of policy or priorities. It’s the entire ability of the American government to exercise soft power and function.

In all my travels around the globe over the years, I have consistently been impressed by the men and women of the foreign service. They are by and large a credit to our nation. The hard and sometimes dangerous work they do goes largely unheralded. But we would be a weaker nation without them. And that is where we are heading.

This wonderful article from Vox should be required reading.

Sixty percent of State’s equivalent of four-star generals are gone.


The new movie “Dolores” was playing at the Guild Cinema Friday Nov 10th-Mon Nov 13th.  Did anyone get to view it?  Please post a synopsis and/or review for the rest of us.

The film reveals the untold story of New Mexico native Dolores Huerta, who co-founded the United Farm Workers Union with Cesar Chavez. She was one of the only Xicana labor leaders of her time. The local Recuerda a Cesar Chavez Committee has brought Dolores to our annual celebration for many years to honor her role in the struggle and this spring we named a park after her in the South Valley.

The trailer is pretty inspiring:

This from Martin Heinrich

In less than two weeks, Albuquerque voters will go to the polls and make a crucial decision about the future of our city. I am proud to support Tim Keller for mayor because he has the right vision for Albuquerque, and the experience necessary to make his vision a reality.

Tim’s in a tough runoff election, so we need to work hard to get him elected. I’m excited to support Tim and his people-powered campaign at several upcoming events — I hope you’ll be able to join us at one of these events:

Block by Block for Tim Keller
Sunday, November 12
Join us for our:
9:00am Canvass Launch
12:00pm Canvass Launch
1:00pm Phone Bank
3:00pm Canvass Launch
Simms Building, 400 Gold Ave SW
RSVP on Facebook or contact Brittany Silvas at

Early voting has started across the city, and will continue every weekday through November 10th. Polls are open on weekdays from 9am to 6pm. Click here to find your nearest polling location and make a plan to vote by November 14th!

We’re at a crossroads in our city, and the direction we take is in our hands.

Thank you,



Saturday Nov. 11 – 2:00-4:00  (Note:  new time – meeting starts and ends one hour earlier during the winter months)

The Immigration Pod will present a mini-seminar at this meeting.

If you’ve not been to one of our meetings, you’re missing a really satisfying opportunity to engage with like-minded folks and recharge your activist batteries.  It’s a good antidote to PTSD (Post-Trump Stress Disorder)  Join us!